The Survival


The sun shines upon the jagged peaks of Utah’s wilderness. Ryan, a legendary mountain climber, stands at the base of the canyon. His eyes gleam with determination—the same fire that has fueled his countless expeditions. His purpose? To conquer the peaks and valleys that call to him.


With each step, he ascends into the heart of the wilderness. The summit is conquered, Ryan begins his descent. But fate has other plans.

As he descends from the summit, disaster strikes. A sudden rockslide traps him between unforgiving cliffs.

His radio lies shattered and no soul can hear his cries, he grapples with fear and pain and desperation sets in. Ryan’s breaths come in ragged gasps. He examines his options: surrender or fight.


He is no ordinary man. He knows the amount of courage it takes to survive, his will is unyielding. He gazes at his trapped leg, pinned mercilessly.

With trembling hands, he retrieves his climbing knife. The blade bites into flesh. Blood mingles with sweat as he severs his own leg, the canyon echoes his screams. He escapes the cruel grip of the mountain. Bloodied and battered, he crawls to safety.


But the ordeal isn’t over. He is thirsty, hungry, and half-limping, blood is dripping and the sun is shining to the fullest on his face but he pushes forward.

Hope flickers like a distant star.

A stranger appears—a lifeline in the wilderness. Their eyes meet, and Ryan’s gratitude spills over. The stranger’s eyes widen at the sight of Ryan, together, they navigate the treacherous terrain.

In the hospital, Ryan lies bandaged and bruised. His legend grows: the climber who defied death, who chose survival over surrender.

He whispers to the stars: “Life’s greatest challenges begin with the first step—the one that defies reason and ignites courage.”


Its easy to read a story and feel the pain and success of a hero.
But the truth is we all face moments of survival at least once.
It feels like everything is over, dead and the best option is to give up life, we can’t see any help.

But we must remember that the whole universe will come to our aid only when we get up and start taking the first few steps.

Sometimes, it’s those initial actions—the ones that require the most courage—that pave the way for transformation.
Whether it’s physical survival, emotional healing, or personal growth.

Those are the hardest ones but also the most important ones.
Once you cross that initial phase nobody can stop you from touching the sky and filling your every experience with the color of magic and love

Enjoy the story as an audio as well!!!