The Rose Garden

Let's enter a garden of beautiful roses on a bright, sunny day with a cool breeze. Everyone in the garden is enjoying time with their family and friends.
Roses reflect love, beauty, and grace.
But not everyone perceives them in the same way. There are three kinds of people:
🌟 The ones who admire the purity of roses. They nurture themand let them grow gracefully.
🌟The ones who feel that roses should be used for their own purpose, they pluck and take them away.
🌟The ones who simply hate the thorns on rose stems and prefer not having them at all. They destroy them

All three groups follow a set of values:

1. Nurture and spread love, freedom, and growth.
2. Use love and purity for their own selfish purposes.
3. Ruin it all.

Now, there is a person standing near the garden and watching all of them.
If he supports the first, second, or third group internally, it means he is supporting and increasing their respective vibration.

The same happens in our world. We find people with all types of values.
🌟If you are focusing on someone with traits like acceptance and patience, you are radiating the same.
🌟If you are focusing only on selfish and careless people, you are radiating their values.
🌟If you are focusing on people who like negativity, abuse, and hate, it means you are equally vibrating the same.

Earth and every human being need and deserve high vibrations.
Your focus determines your vibration.Your vibration impacts your surrounding environment.
If and when you have to deal with someone like the third person, don't absorb their aura. Hold your values strongly while managing the situation.
Whenever you focus on the wrong side, remember the first person who prefers nurturing and loving the rose. 🌹

You can enjoy the story as an audio. Here’s the episode link