An Extract from The Alchemist


Reignite your Thoughts with
Wisdom & Laughter

Everytime we read a book, there are always a few para’s that touch are heart and deserve to be read again & again & again.
I am sharing a few of those from the book The Alchemist.
We read it on our last session and they are simply beautiful.

Advice- Me & You are connected with universe in every breath.
Our heart shares with us every message and emotion universe wants us to hear. It will return to it’s origin one day.
Instead of giving up in fear, practice sitting with yourself and allow your heart to speak with you in form of imagination, intuition or some other miraculous way.

Develop a strong connection with your heart every day like you build any other relation. It’s worth it

The fear of failing in pursuit of our dreams kills the heart as it’s not able to share with you everything that is requied to live your Purpose.
It’s ok to feel highly uncomfortable while following your path instead of crying in guilt of not doing anything.

We are going to read the last part of The Alchemist next Monday,
Join in and experience the magic

The Session happens every Monday & Wednesday- 11.30am EST

If you are feeling confused, unsettled in your thoughts and not able to trust yourself. Then let’s connect for a session and untangle your precious thoughts and emotions.