An Extract from Alchemist


Reignite your Thoughts with
Wisdom & Laughter

We all have wild imaginations and so many… dreams as a child.
We don’t care about rules and beliefs, we only hold on to those strongly.
Then what happens when we grow up and become aware of ways to fulfill them??
When the actual time comes to get into action, we often get lost in our fears, circumstances, negative beliefs, and past experiences.
Don’t be lost.
Imagine like a child and take actions like an adult

I don’t know what my heart is trying to say when I hear someone say.
Nothing is wrong with you.
You just have forgotten to pay attention to its voice. All the external noises surround you.
Calm down those noises to listen to the TRUE VOICE.

Nobody faces punishment but goes through testing times.
The days that call for pure actions internally and externally.

Many a time, many days we have thoughts “What is the purpose of my life?”, “I feel my life I useless, I am a burden for everyone”
Even at the time, you feel low and negative thoughts pave their way,
Keep a check on your language

Say, I might not be feeling super high right now but this too shall pass
I might not be aware of my true purpose but with the right efforts and guidance I will discover that too
I am a powerful soul, I am pure and I am full of god’s love

We are starting a new book on 26th June

The Little Prince by Antoine de saint-exupéry

The Session happens every
Monday & Wednesday- 11.30am EST

If you are feeling confused, unsettled in your thoughts, and not able to listen to your inner voice. Then let’s connect for a session and untangle your precious thoughts and emotions.